A Writer’s Creative Stage Writing Process

The creative stage writing process is where most writers enjoy being the most. Ideas are formed, and imagination causes things to come alive on the page. Our work does not always make sense at this stage, but that does not matter. It is about ideas and thoughts coming to realization. Once the creative phase is completed, it is on its way to the refining stage. It can be beneficial to visualize your writing process. This blog will help you do that!

turn ideas into reality

It may consist of rewriting, selecting the best from several or many versions, and making necessary changes. You may have only one “final” version of your idea — an arrangement you consider complete. Learn More

Thus, you do not need revising and editing; it’s also possible that you have no version of your idea and therefore have no need for revising and editing. It may consist of rewriting, selecting the best from several or many versions, and making necessary changes.

Some writers like to develop their work in stages.

A writer’s process can be beneficial to visualize a writing process. First, the creative phase, then refining the step, and concluding with the editing and revision stage. It’s important to note that this is a fundamental outline of the process, and the scenes can be done in a different order and repeated many times.

If you’re having issues with your writing, it might be the formula of how you approach your writing. One of the biggest problems I’ve seen among writers of all ages is they do the paper first, revise, edit, and so on. It’s a frustrating process. Click For Help

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I have visualized my process below to make it more concrete. I think one of the most complex parts of writing is starting. I have to admit I procrastinate more than I like to admit. So, yesterday I sat down at my desk and started writing and kept writing until I had the first draft. I didn’t revise much, but I changed a few things. I went with the flow and figured it would all work out.

Most writers have an editor;

usually a critique partner or group to help them bring their book to the publication level. Here is a writing process that works for me. I start with an idea and a genre in mind in the creative stage.

once upon a time

In the past, I had to come up with a plot, beginning, middle, and end, but that is just one method of writing. The creative stage is the writer’s journey into their mind, where the writer is going with their innovative thoughts and ideas. The refining stage takes the creative thoughts and ideas into a form that others can use.

It is the stage of implementation or execution.

One can be creative in the refining stage, but it isn’t easy. The refining stage focuses on the details, not the big picture. Many people can be creative at both the initial idea and refining stages. They are good at both creation and implementation. They possess strategic intelligence.

It would be best if you often were impetuous to be good at the refining stage.

The refining stage shows how something can be done and how it is done. It explains the outcome and how it is arrived at. The refining stage is the part that is most often ignored. People are so anxious to get to the creating stage that they fail to polish their ideas, remove the rough edges, and make their ideas smooth so that others can use them. Learn More 

ocean view my idea of an office


Imagination Writing Process

Implementation is the stage of bringing your ideas into reality. This stage combines the refining skills of your analytical mind with the creative thoughts of your imaginative mind.

Imagination + Refining = Implementation

Your analytical skills are vital during the implementation stage because you have to ensure that what you have created will be done according to your plan.

“The refining stage might be necessary to make the product more crisp, more sharp, more pure, more natural, and easier to understand. In other words, we need to make sure the idea is presented in a way that will be readily understood,”

It takes the fruits of imagination and brings them into a ready-to-use form.

Wurster writes. In refining, you have to decide whether the idea you’re trying to refine is the right one to pursue. You also have to determine how you will present the concept to others.

person planningSteps in the Editing and Revising Stage

Before selecting your topic, make sure you know how your final project will be. Is this a historical summary or a report of current developments?

  • The number of sources you are required to use
  • What kinds of sources can you use – books vs. websites vs. journal articles or a variety?
  • The type of research you are asked to conduct. – original research or review of what research has been done?
  • What is the length of your final project – two pages, ten pages, etc., or an informal, five-minute presentation?
  • The depth of your project – Is your project an overview of the subject or in-depth and focused coverage of a specific aspect?
  • The scope you must cover is a historical summary or a report of current developments? LEARN MORE

learn to editRefining Writing Stage

The refining stage of the creative process is where you perfect crisper, sharper purer your market. When you think of ideas for a product, you are in the generating stage of the process. Once you have an idea, you will refine it until it meets your (or your client’s) requirements. The refining stage includes watching for flaws, looking for weak spots, and improving the product.

The editing and revising stage is refined and makes it clear and easy to understand.

Editing Writing Process

During this stage, you are getting to and staying with the essence of your message. When you revise, you look at the overall structure of your writing, how the paragraphs relate to one another, how the information relates to your general purpose, and how you can make it easier for your audience to understand.

Your editor’s role is to provide support and encouragement, helping you become the best writer you can be.

It is the editor’s work, who may be the same person as the writer. For example, it may be that a writer’s first draft is unclear and needs editing before it is ready for others to read. The revising stage checks for quality checks grammar, and spelling, ensuring the spelling is correct and no typos.

 Use the first person in your writing if you don’t already.

The best way to communicate is to use a word-for-word quote from your best source, followed by your explanation of what you think the passage says.

Example of an Edified Quote:

people brainstorming your writing

Ed: “I think what this person is saying is that you need a traditional degree to get a job in a big firm.”

Jim: “Why?”

It may include rewriting, selecting the best from several versions, and making necessary changes.

You may have only one “final” version of your idea — an arrangement that you consider complete — and thus have no need for revising and editing; it’s also possible that you have no version of your idea at all and therefore have no need for revising and editing.

If it takes some effort to be clear, things are not ready for the next step. If it’s easy, you may have glossed over important points.

If your writing isn’t easy to understand, why would others read it? Learn More

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Kevin Meyer

4 thoughts on “A Writer’s Creative Stage Writing Process”

  1. Dear Kevin,

    This is Angelina Jolie. How are you doing? I love to write. Have you visited the website Online Writing Lab or owl dot com before? I learned how to write on that website. I love your website, too, especially the quote: “Writers Are Not Born, They Are Made!” That is true. It takes time and practice to be a prolific writer for me. I love writing, and it is a way of communication even if I have a speech impairment when pronouncing words. 

    Remember P.E.N. whenever you write, there are three ways to write. Persuasive, Explanatory, and Narrative!

    Wishing you all the best with your online success Above and Beyond the Horizon,

    ~Angelina Jolie

    • Hello, Angelina Jolie, Thank you for asking! I am doing well, and I hope you are too. Yes, I have visited the Online Writing Lab and many others like it. Have you seen the M.I.T. Writing Lab? I will write that P.E.N. down  “Persuasive, Explanatory, and Narrative!” And you remember not to let anyone or anything steal your dreams! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. 



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