Best Way To Become A Writer

Not many realize that becoming a good writer isn’t just about writing skills. While some people are born with fantastic writing ability, it can be developed with the correct practices. With the rise of social media and content marketing, there has been a surge in demand for quality writers who can produce engaging content.

And as a writer, you have plenty of opportunities to hone your skills and gain valuable experience to build a successful career as a freelance writer. In this article, we’ll share ten ways you can become a good writer through practical tips and advice from our team of professional copywriters.

person working hard

Writing is Hard Work!

Writing is hard work! But it’s also gratifying. I’ve learned so much about myself and the world by writing.

And I’ve built up a loyal following of readers because of it. You’ll never regret learning how to write well. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Pick a subject that interests you. Don’t look for an easy way to find a niche that you will write about.

Experienced writers have found that looking for a “generic” place or bullet point list of “crimes and penalties” to write about is a big waste of time.

Instead, find a topic that interests you and that you can portray well using rigorous writing. I spend a lot of time reading and researching different subjects: from history to philosophy to cannibalism.

This also helps me fine-tune my ideas, as I can develop original ideas and angles to explore. For example, while researching cannibalism, I discovered an obscure cannibalism case from quite a long time ago that caused quite a stir around the world.

I experimented with writing the piece because I knew the primary angle would be cannibalism. Still, the journey to finding the case and writing it properly gave me valuable insight into some of history's most controversial and fascinating stories, such as those of Hitler's concentration camps.

These kinds of examples keep me on my writing journey throughout the year.

Make a list of in-depth questions. Your questions need to be very specific and backed up with anecdotes.

This isn't to say that all questions need to be academic research-based. Still, you want the opportunity to delve a little deeper into the topic. Whether you use writing competitions or record yourself writing in a journal, recording your thoughts helps build your mind as a writer.

If you have nothing to write about and an exciting idea, your mind will start working on it, becoming more apparent as you write.

best way to become a good writer

You Must be Willing to Improve Your Writing Skills

You must be willing to improve your writing skills. If you want to learn how to write better, the best way to do it is to read excellent writing.

There are lots of great books about writing that you can read to improve your skills. You can also find many free online resources to help you improve your skills.

The ten tips here are specific to improving writing skills for writing persuasive copy to gain traffic and links for your website.

Good writers know how to turn a dull or repetitive topic into something that significantly impacts a page. The key to turning boring or repetitive topics into exciting and engaging titles and bullet points that catch your reader's attention.

While there aren't any hard and fast rules to turn a topic into something people want to read about, you should manage the following five areas to ensure that you do this. Focus on relevance

A lot of traffic and links go to generic or overused content. Suppose you want to write a piece of content that appeals to your target audience.

In that case, you should think about what you want to write about and focus on what your target audience is interested in.

Writing about too generic topics will usually get you little traffic or links.

Instead, focus on writing a paragraph or two that describes what your piece is about most excitingly. Try to make the most exciting point first: highlight the novelty, application, etc., of your topic.

Once you have figured out what you want to write about, follow a process of elimination to find the most generic issues you can use. Be detailed

To be compelling and only average with the generic stuff, you must include detailed, helpful information about your topic.

As a beginner, this stage can be a bit scary. You're afraid the writer will skim your provided information and reject your mediocre content.

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Study the Professional Writers and Learn from Them

Copywriting is a skill that you can learn from other people. After all, if you can't be bothered to read a book on writing better emails, you probably won't be able to write better emails.

To be a good copywriter, you should study the best copywriters and learn from them. We've put together a list of crucial lessons below to help you become a better writer.

The first thing we want to do is dispel the myth that freelance writing is useless. In reality, it's one of the most valuable skills, especially if you go the freelance route as we do.

Unlike other full-time jobs, your writing skills will improve by experimenting with templates and structuring content for different platforms.

Suppose you are lucky enough to find an investor who will put you up. In that case, you can invest in a freelance internet provider like GRAMMARLY to help you organize what you write and what platform- you can use for your writing.

You don't have to spend time checking any further. Below this article is all the tools talked about here. And best of all, you can check all of them out for "FREE!"

At all to be a better writer. Just become the best you can be through experimentation; we believe you'll be on your way to becoming a great writer.

We've all heard that writing is critical, but it sometimes gets neglected. After all, so many essential skills are often passed over as we concentrate on other more important things such as the economy or our social lives. Like everything else, you can improve what you do through thought and research.

You can be a journalist by taking courses, learning content fundamentals, editing, or even working as a news reporter. Suppose you're more of a visual person.

In that case, learning a new skill like pattern recognition or animation could open doors of opportunity for you. Take some time to think about what skills you want to grow and develop over time.

Once you make that decision, make time to reap the rewards. Doing so will help you form a valuable portfolio to draw upon in the future.

person practicing on a skateboard

A Writer is All About Practice!

The first step toward getting better at writing is writing. If you want to improve, you need to be writing.

That's easier said than done, though, right? It's effortless to find excuses not to write, especially if you feel like you're not very good at it.

It took me a long time to start writing well, which took a lot of work. It did take a few years, and one thing I can tell you is if you hate it, then it's probably not for you.

It's easy to start something new and captivating like a blog post, but it is much harder to make that content stone-proof.

One of the biggest obstacles to writing is fear. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it can be scary even to begin with, and that fear stops us from going forward. So the more you are, the more terrified you should always be.

  • Don't be afraid to start writing.
  •  No one is going to hate you for writing.
  • Nobody is going to hate your content because you've created it.

Write well for people! As a copywriter, I think about the copy I produce for our clients. I can identify five key elements that make up excellent product copy. Get to the point. Everyone always says you should write to your audience, mainly if you write for hire.

If you're writing a blog post, you've already got the audience in mind. If you're making a marketing letter, you can't go too in-depth explaining precisely what your product does.

If you do that, the readers will get turned off or confused, which will be a waste of time. Always start each sentence with an A or B sentence, so you can jump in when the reader starts thinking. I use this more in infographics articles and will always begin well with a B sentence.

person proof reading

Always Remember to Proofread Your Writing

Proofreading your work is an essential step in the writing process. The more you write, the better you get at proofreading your work, but there are still some common errors to look out for.

Grammarly Writing Support

Always make sure you review your work for spelling and grammatical errors. Almost half of the content is in draft format on our writing team and needs clearing up.

Now is an excellent time to take advantage of free tools and resources such as Jaaxy Research Services online, Grammarly Online, and Copysmith. You don't have to pay for professional editing, but it will help speed up the process, and you may even save money. 

best way to become a good writer

A Writer Competency

One of the problems with many people who aspire to become full-time writers. Don't they have the basic writing skills to be successful, let alone professional?

It is vital to ensure your content is well-written before you begin going out and pitching for content writing jobs. Today is a good day to start improving your writing skills.

Several courses and writing courses are available online to help you learn more in-depth about writing and improve your writing skills.

freelance work

Freelance Writer Entrepreneurship

Whether you have great ideas, a natural flair for product design, or a new online business owner, it's good to have a little extra business knowledge.

There are services online, such as HeadSpace, that can help you develop a positive outlook on life and help you break into the online business world.


Marketing Writer

There are loads of opportunities to network and grow your online business. 

Many degrees, certifications, and education are available in online marketing, such as Wealthy Affiliates Online Marketing and Google Digital Marketing. The Digital Marketing Qualification could be a good alternative for those working in a local market.

You Can Find All The Tried And Tested Marketing Tools Mentioned in this article here!

Try Them For "FREE!"

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Kevin Meyer

15 thoughts on “Best Way To Become A Writer”

  1. Thanks for sharing all these actionable tips to help people become a writer. I also recommend Grammarly to people — I started with the free version but have since found that the upgraded pro version is worth the investment. I will look into copysmith — I’m very interested in finding a good AI writer but so far they have all seemed to be too pricey to be worthwhile. 

    Thanks again!

    • Hello, Aly, Thanks for sharing your experiences with GRAMMARLY. I’ve used all the tools listed here for a few years now and find all of them beneficial. If I can be of any more service, please ask.



  2. Hi Kevin, Thanks for sharing a great article. As we know, writing is a great skill. We have to practice it to get better, the more we write, the better we’ll get.

    If you want to become a good writer, it takes time and practice. You need to build your vocabulary as well because when you write you’re bound to be more expressive.

    Writing every day is important because you can’t get good without practice. Even if only for a few minutes, you need to write every single day to improve your writing skill.

  3. To be honest, I think writing is easy. All you need to do is find a niche that you know really well and stick to it. I have chosen everything and anything that has to do with protein shakes and I am absolutely loving it. I am making more money than I ever imagined. 

  4. I found your article because wanted to become a better professional writer so that I may get paid for my work. When I write, find a quiet room to start my drafts and proofread many times before sharing my completed writing projects with anyone. These are some good tips and I’m glad I found your website. I would like to share your website with my social media followers for them to use these valuable writing tips to become better writers. 

    • Hello, Jannette, Thank you for sharing your goals of becoming a professional writer. If I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I appreciate you sharing the information for others to benefit from. I wish you all the success you can stand! 



  5. I believe that this text will serve many as well as me. The tips are great for beginers, it doesn’t look very difficult but it takes a lot of work and effort. Time is also very important, because we can’t develop a business overnight, so we have to be patient.

  6. I just started blogging. I struggle with writing every day, and I’m afraid of the next day. But today’s content gave me detailed advice on what to be a reference point, and if I follow that standard step by step, I think my fear will disappear. It is a good summary article.

  7. Hi! I have been reading Ernest Hemingway’s work. And his to-the-mark and straightforward style of writing has encouraged me to start writing my stuff. It is a painful journey. We need to improve constantly. And it’s like solving complex puzzles with words. But I also enjoy the process and results.

  8. After many years without, I have just begun writing again, and this blog has been a fantastic help. I can now use the advice on this site to produce better posts. I would say that this blog is an invaluable resource for any writer! It offers valuable advice and guidance to help anyone become a better writer. I would recommend this blog to anyone who wants to be an independent writer.

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