What Should Be In An Introduction Paragraph

What should be in an introduction paragraph summarises the main points and gives the reader an overall idea of the text. It should be used to capture the reader’s attention, to make them want to read the rest of the document. Also, help you outline your ideas in a logical order for the reader. Section … Read more

Blog Writing Tips For Beginners

My blog writing tips for beginners is an excellent way to establish yourself as an expert in your field, build trust with readers and attract new customers. But how do you go about writing a blog? And how do you make sure it’s effective. In this post, we’ll look at the tools you can use, … Read more

The 9 Best Resources For Creative Writing Techniques

The nine best resources for learning creative writing techniques to generate ideas. Using a new way of thinking about your topic is an essential skill for all aspiring writers of both fiction and non-fiction. You can use the ‘three hat method’ to develop plenty of ideas, no matter what piece you are working on. Remember, … Read more

How To Write Stronger Headlines With Transitional Words

If you’re writing headlines that people want to click, you want to include specific transitional words. These words instantly tell your readers what is contained in your post. So, how do you use them? Simple. Just type the two words in and then add a comma. The result is a seamless transition. Here are eight … Read more