All You Need To Know About Story Sentence Starters!

Writing story sentence starters are easy to use but hard to create! The best way to make story sentence starters is to write down the following questions. (Assuming you have never actually met anyone who bought the property in your market – or know anyone whose life has been completely derailed by the destruction of an investment property.

Writing Story Sentence Starters Remains Simple to Practice but Tough to Create!

These ten sentences will help you write smoother transitions between different parts of your story.

1. First of all, _______.

2. Another important _______.

3. Finally, _______.

4. One more thing, _______.

5. What’s more, _______.

6. On the one hand, _______.

7. On the other hand, _______.

8.And finally, (and this is the most important thing), _________.

9. This series is about _________.

10. So, I’ve finally got to talking about… _______.

11. I don’t know about you, but I feel I have accomplished most of what I have set out to achieve in this SEO industry since I first began.

12. Mike’s entry is one of the most popular ever on this blog, and as such, it was treated to complete 3-hour treatment in person by my lovely wife, Charlotte.

person sleeping under a tree with a book

Let me preface this by acknowledging that this whole video series is not something I ever expected to be receiving 3 hours of my time.

Still, it has been so well received that I felt that the fans of this series needed to be treated to the sort of treatment they have paid for.

I know that Charlotte is a remarkably talented professional – as you saw from my recent rant about how mediocre some of her videos have been – and that she has put in some serious effort to pull this whole three-hour show together.


I firmly believe she does this for the warm fuzzy feelings she gets from putting her name on other people’s posts.

I know I share some of your unwritten, spiritual beliefs in SEO and online marketing because I think that just about everybody in both those worlds feels that way.

We all want to be recognized for our work. For the time and money we spend and our impact on our clients.

Thank you for indulging me in this final installment of this fantastic series.

person performing magic

3. These writing story sentence starters are short and to the point but still interesting enough to keep readers hooked.

You can learn from the pros if you’re wondering how to start a blog post. Think of the best blogs out there; chances are you’ll find they all have one thing in common: they’re all well-written.

And there’s no reason you can’t write a blog post and end up with something equally great — so why not pick a topic and make it a blog post?

It’s simple, say those of us who’ve been there and done it. Think about it — you start writing, and then 5 minutes later… boom—word of mouth momentum.

You may not have thought of it as an effective strategy, but life is short (tip: start your blog with a bang!), so give it a try!

Person working on a laptop

How to start a blogging blog post:

A seamless transition into a full-on blog post

You’re probably freaking out, knowing you don’t know what a blog post is.

Don’t worry; if you were a toddler once, you’re well on remembering every detail now. So let’s look at a top-level idea of a blog post and where to start making one.

If you’re going to refer to the beginner’s guide to blogging to get you started, you may as well call it “blogging 101” and forget all else.

 follow the rules

Blogging 101: Writing Story Sentence Starters

To get started blogging, here’s everything you need to know.

Basic blogging format: Less than 50 words.

By and large, websites that make blog posts have a topic — typically two to three subtopics, depending on the subject, utility, and style.

Copy Smith

They can also break those subtopics up into longer-form articles. With a good blog post, though, you don’t necessarily need to use this format — you can start with the traditional one-paragraph title bubble, see above, and cover all the bases.

The best part about these writing story sentence starters is that they can be used for an article or essay!

Whether you’re writing about a trip, a person, an event, or a place, the basic structure remains the same.

You can use these story sentence starters to tell a story about anything you want.

1. I’m not one for the word “I,” but…

2. “Then I saw a strange man….”

We all mean that the sun rises and falls, but sometimes the meaning can be a little more ambiguous…

“Then I saw a strange man…” is vague and leads the reader to ask:

“Do I need to hear the whole story or just a synopsis?,” or even:

“What do you mean by ‘a strange man’? Have you met this strange man’?

And what on earth did you think he was?”

child reading and laughing

3. “Then I gotCHA!”

Please. I thought you said not to interrupt someone while they’re asking a question.

4. “I’m up late!”

Sometimes you want to make the point that you were WAITING FOR UBER-WAITING.

5. “I felt a little dizzy….”

A little dizzy? I feel just fine. You say you felt a little dizzy, but did anyone check your pulse?

6. “Sonny: I’m a….”

C’mon, you jive! Use plural “I’s” like you know what I’m talking about.

You can say anything you want in this sentence (if I were talking to Johnstown, PA and adjectives were the only things you could use) except:

“You’re a miserable sack of shxt.”

7. “Petunia: People say….”

In the heat of the moment, you can’t help but add someone’s name after the “people say.” Johnstown, PA, is hot, but I’m still working all my heart for Petunia.

8. “I dunno….”

A novice or foreign language speaker often struggles to add proper verb tenses, but you don’t need that language. Pluralization works perfectly.

9. “Went to see – what – shop?”

10. Oops, did I just say “went to?”

signage on a truck take your shot

Resolution: Use these ten sentences for your blog posts, fiction writing, or creative nonfiction pieces!

The #1 Writing Tool

I hope you found these ten sentences helpful.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so if you’ve never written a blog post before, start by writing one sentence. 

If you’ve written one blog post before, write two sentences. And so on.

2. For those scoring at the 70% mark (I know I am)?

3. Are link-building strategies effective? (Or are they just?)

4. 1,000 Links Since 2001. Could it be?

5. How do I do link building?

6. How should I build links for my blog?

7. Do not fear bloggers; they bring you the links

8. Should you link build to a local page (instead of a page on your site)?

9. Everything You Need to Know

10. Google + Bing Webmaster Central – Wealthy Affiliate training on Link Building. This post has tons of great information.

There you have it, folks. Those are my ten most crucial blog post tips. I’m sure there are more, but these were the ones that stood out to me.

children enjoying their book

What was your favorite?

What do you think others wrote that is worth reading?

Are you guilty of any of these?

Do you have your list?

Also, make sure to sign up for the complimentary trials.

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Kevin Meyer

4 thoughts on “All You Need To Know About Story Sentence Starters!”

  1. Hi,

    What an interesting idea to think about using story starters on my blog!

    I am sure these will help me include some more personal stories and anecdotes in my blogs. I think whatever the topic, people like to hear about personal experience.

    I also do some tutoring and so could make use of some of these story starters with my pupils.

    Thanks for these helpful ideas!

    All the best,


  2. Very thorough and helpful post! I have tried blogging in the past and still do write articles, however, it has always been hard for me to start to write. Once writing it flowed a little better but the starting was always hard and I like your examples and feel I could easily implement them myself now!

    • Hello, Daniel, Thanks for letting me know the information provided here was indeed helpful. I found this strategy a month ago and found it relatively easy to implement and use. It has become a game lately for me. 



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