10 Easy Steps | What to Do in a Blog

What to do in a blog to drive traffic to your website. Blogging is one of the most popular ways to conduct business and build credibility and authority with your audience.

Consider here the incoming traffic to the blog post. The content is written in a title case (The title case is just the document’s title) and placed on a single line. Using title case fosters power and emphasis.

10 Easy Steps | What to Do in a Blog

The Title of Your Blog

A title Case is a simple way of featuring dominant words in a title. It works well because titles contain enough information to attract the reader.

Even if you use “the hard way,” titles still need personality and flow. We cannot afford to have overly long titles, especially if we have just one headline and 74 words in the document.

Pepsi Cola

Long Titles

Long titles distract the reader, they consider it a headline, and they cannot readily process the post.

The title also needs to be researched before putting it in the body.

Use Subtitles

Use subtitles to explain further the critical portion of the blog post that is not easily accessible by the eye. SEO experts will tell you to avoid using those kinds of subtitles.

That’s because the reader displays the subtitle on the screen alongside the headline. It’s like having a website’s FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) directly below the headline.

The effect is that it doesn’t belong in the body. It stays in the headline. Also, the subtitle doesn’t work well as the first lines of the posts we create tend to be longer than 80 characters long.

Subtitles are often the last things you add to your blog post because attention is precious for powerful SEO.

catch the reader attention

Catching the Reader’s Attention

Readers are much more likely to spend time reading a post that they come across if it contains helpful information they can quickly process. Usually found in the subtitle. Given the above, almost all bloggers and content creators place their subtitles at the end of the document. Again, if you have a specific title of 80 characters or less, you should add the subtitle.

Blog Tags

If your tags consistently exceed this limit, the author may just be guessing how long the document is.

If using title case in SEO is essential for you as well, here is a video to show you the benefits of titles in SEO:

Shot in 1080p, 720p, 480p, and screenshots.

Neil Patel video-SEO

Key takeaway: this brightens up your work and makes your blog headlines look more professional.

Full disclosure: I am firmly in the camp that thinks short titles and subtitles are better than long titles.

BuzzFeed Blog Tips to Keep Traffic

One of the best ways to get and keep traffic is to do what Buzzfeed did: Get it right.

BuzzFeed published the most traffic-written articles on the web in 2016. They’re not the only ones.


More Traffic than Ever

In fact, in 2017 and 2018, the website published more traffic than many popular websites. So how did they do this?

It all started with a simple question: “What are the weirdest, most shocking, or most outrageous animal stories published online?” 

They came up with a fascinating set of query research tools that allowed them to answer this simple question.

Using BuzzSumo and SimilarWeb, they could look at the average number of posts per publisher and see where all the traffic for these stories came from — and where it went wrong.

This data helped them identify some common mistakes driving their traffic south and use tweaks to improve their content to be successful.

#1: Poor internal linking and overlapping deep links

BuzzFeed is probably the best example of an intriguing and evergreen research project.

That was published without identifying the right questions or using proper internal linking and linking conventions.

starting gate

BuzzFeed Blogs Start

Each article starts with a brief overview and a top-level question. However, this article only links to the top-level “most shocking animal stories,” “weirdest animals,” and “weirdest objects,” which also isn’t very comprehensive.

BuzzFeed could have started here, but they’re already missing out on earning links from more than half of the article with just three pieces.

To complete this “multiple article shorline,” BuzzFeed would have had to:

  1. Identify the various articles visually (Top View, Horizontal View, and Top Plagiarize).

Use internal linking from these three articles to link to each other (but it’s less effective as the articles aren’t considered “deep,” meaning they’re harder to find and get.

2.  To be comprehensive and “deep,” you’d have to link to all the articles).

puzzle piece

Body of Each Blog

Then, in the body of each article,e, correctly link to these multiple articles in proper paragraphs.

The results?

BuzzFeed has earned these high rankings because of the work that created a tighter, more comprehensive guide with internal linking.

The “weirdest animals” article was incomplete before the manual (which explains why it was so popular).

The guide then covered the most popular topics in more detail, explained them in context, and continued to make sense of them all.

These subsequent articles became more in-depth because each piece complemented the other; editors could focus on each user based on their interests.

But, like any industry, you must ensure you’ve got an excellent strategy to go along with your blogger training.

Video Transcription

Welcome, Moz fans! To another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today, I will be chatting about a topic that I think many of us as online marketers sometimes forget. It is an integral part of our job: the blogger experience.

I’ve been publicizing tips concerning what started as a personal problem: I started blogging 6-7 years ago.

And the quality and depth of the content I produced suffered from operating a personal blog. So, it was effectively starting again as a commercial endeavor.

And so, it got me thinking we should take this traffic we’re losing. There are many links in the blogosphere.

Instead, we’re stuffing it all the places that it should be safest because many of these folks linking to you are evangelists, potential customers, influencers, and others.

So why are they relating to you? What do they love about this brand? What am I doing that’s capturing their attention?


Claim Your Bonus!

Number one: Make a Call to Action.

So if we’re talking about content marketing or any marketing effort, that’s being done to any degree. 

Whether crafting a brand, pitch for a product, or an idea, you’ve got to put some person at the very top of your effort sheet. 

And the potential customers at the very bottom. And this person will say, “Aha, I think this thing would work for me because of this, or I can try it out, or I want to learn more.” 

The reason is that we have to put the call to action in the content or an email. To someone is so that every step visitors take that turns into an influencer relationship is a call to action. 

You can consciously and fully own so that you can say, “Buy now, try it, learn more, contact us for more info.

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Kevin Meyer

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