5 Explanation On What Do You Write About In Your Blog

There are five ways to write a blog post that impacts the reader. You blog or write about your life and personal and professional journey. Write about what “you” are excited about. I write about my failures, wins, and things I’m learning—a blog about what you’ve learned about what you are planning to do.

What Do You Write About In Your Blog


Write about the things YOU LOVE to write about. I will also eventually write the things that no one wants to read. Since I originally started blogging, I’ve not had an editor (and I have one now), and I’ve written until I have learned how to type without making any mistakes. It has been an exciting journey.

How do I start a blog? There are two critical things that everyone who wants to start a blog must know. Only you can know what a blog is and learn how to build it.

Here is a list of information that anyone, who wants to start a blog, should know before even starting:

Read every single

  • post you can find online about your passion.
  • Every website that you can find online.
  • Every business book you can get your hands on.
  • Read Niel Patel’s Blog
  • Read anything that you find helpful.

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How do I blog when I don’t know anything about blogging? Many things need to be addressed before one can start a blog. That is the first question that needs to be answered. Many people think that a blog is a place where you write content that reaches other people when in reality, a blog is your point of view on your own life (and hopefully others’ lives). Any time you go to bed thinking that you’re sleeping behind a computer that is a blog that you have been unable to shut off. It is the ultimate “tell-all.” Blogs are continuously on the Internet.

long dock


You should keep your video between three and five minutes in length. That’s long enough to be engaging but short enough to hold people’s attention. If you go over five minutes, viewers will get bored, and they’re more likely to stop watching. It would be best to balance entertaining images and helpful information to keep viewers engaged.

I also suggest keeping the videos on your company website so that your video can continuously expand your company’s reach. If you create a YouTube channel (or your local business’s), these videos will typically work much more accessible and gain more views.

But for this article, we will create the videos on our website. It just gives us even more exposure for our business. I recommend uploading them to a Dropbox folder or your company’s YouTube account (which you can read more about here).

turn ideas into reality


YouTube is the best platform for videos due to its massive user base. Unlike live media platforms on the Internet, such as YouTube, there is no registration necessary. However, there are specific etiquette rules that you need to follow while uploading videos, too, YouTubeincluding: monetizing videos. Make sure to add a link to your website so that people know your company exists and that you’re offering something that can help them.

  • Add descriptive titles; don’t overdo it with keywords and long-tail terms.

At the end of the video, give people a way to contact you and give them a quick recipe or two. We use contact forms at the end of all of our videos. So that people can dial in and talk to our receptionist. In addition to that, give people a phone number or address in the video description.

person planning


To get started with blogging, you’ll need to choose a platform. WordPress offers free website hosting, so it’s a great option if you’re creating. Other platforms commonly used include Blogger, Atom, and MySpace. An excellent training platform to learn how is the Jaaxy Platform.

People who need help choosing a domain, website, keywords, and easy-to-understand statistics. After you have built your website, you can add your article to our queue: Here’s where you’ll log in to your queue, fill out your items, and read all your published content. Select your preferred date range and time zone. Make sure you’re selecting your area’s earliest supported date and time zone.

Adjust your feed settings: Choose a feed type from the dropdown at the top right. We prefer Blogger, so if you’re not a Blogger reader, you can choose this type in our preferences; whatever feed you pick will be added to your log-in page.

Resubmit your blog post: Don’t forget to resubmit it when it’s time to send it out for publication (within a week of publishing). Submit your blog post with social media: Please send the link to your followers/finders once your post is published. Of course, sending the link with a social media badge on top is preferred.

boy reading


One of the best ways to get people to read what you’ve written is to focus on the conversation you’re trying to have with your readers. Take the time to get to know your audience and what they like and don’t like.

Another great way to serve data is to find out who your audience is. Say a blog on SEO contributes weekly data about new tools & tactics, SEO, related topics, etc. What if you could curate everything your readers want and talk about them? In a way that only your audience cares about?

By curating content from the SEO community, you can traverse all channels and speak to folks in blog comment sections and social media channels (remember those conversations you’re trying to solve a problem?).

The result:

  • Lists.
  • Interactive features.
  • Topics and analysis.
  • Easy searching and browsing.
  • Many different ways (and formats) to get your audience’s conversation started.

What are the key feedback points in your brand feedback process? A blog can help you answer these key feedback points from your target audience. Say your goal is to expand your customer base by enhancing existing relationships and garnering new customers. What qualitative differences or positives can you highlight among these existing relationships?

How can you make these relationships last an extra five years or longer? By looking at how people “remain” in those relationships rather than “abandon” (aka skip it), you can elicit smarter, more enthusiastic consumer feedback that can improve how you build new connections in the future.

Blow people away with new content that will add years to your existing relationships and keep them engaged with you long after you’ve clicked that subscribe button. What topics would your target audience care most about? Which ones will allow you to express the most passion and insight into these topics? Say you’re looking to focus on topics core to your target demographic, i.e.

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You must write compelling copy that engages your readers if you want more visitors. This article will help you do just that.

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Kevin Meyer

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