5 Special Tips that will Achieve Your Writing Goals

If you’re a writer, there are different things you can do to make your writing more reader-friendly. In this blog post, we’ll share five tips to help you achieve this goal.

5 Special Tips that will Achieve Your Writing Goals

Here are five things to remember if you want your writing to be more readable: 

1. Use simple language and avoid jargon. 

2. Keep sentences and paragraphs short. 

3. Use headings and lists to break up the text. 

4 . Use concrete examples and analogies. 

5 . Compare concepts to something familiar and easy to understand. 

Maintaining readability is especially important for technical documentation because the audience is usually made up of specialists of some sort. Like you, they want to get through the material quickly and accurately. The faster and easier you make it for them, the more likely they’ll be to read what you’ve written.

person on the phone

Writing can be done more reader-friendly

By using plain language, breaking down complex information, and using typographical cues to improve readability. By making your writing more generally, you’ll keep readers engaged and coming back for more.

  • Use short, declarative sentences. This will make your writing seem punchier and easier to read. 
  • Use active voice rather than passive voice.
  • Active voice is when the subject of the sentence is doing the verb, while passive voice is when the verb is acting upon the subject. For example, “The cat chased the mouse” is in active voice, whereas “The mouse was chased by the cat” is in passive voice.

Technical writing can be easier to sing plain language, break down complex information, and use typographical cues to improve readability. By making your writing more accessible, you’ll keep readers engaged and coming back for more.


• For example, a student who is writing a short paper on the history of the founding of the town of Amherst, Massachusetts, might be asked to make a list of the events that led to its founding, with a brief description of each item in the list. This would help the student organize their thoughts about the project.

• The teacher might ask students to use headings to organize their thoughts within paragraphs.

The teacher could use these headings for students to follow when writing about a topic. For example, students might write about the history of the town in five paragraphs, with a header for each paragraph.

The first paragraph might be titled “How the Town Was Founded.” The fifth paragraph might be titled “The Town Today.” Students would then be asked to write about how their town was founded and what has happened to it since its founding.

boy laughing at what he read

One of the best ways to make your writing more accessible to a broader audience is to pay attention to word choice. Try not to use jargon or overly complicated words when simpler alternatives suffice.

Along similar lines, sentence structure and organization are important considerations. Keep sentences relatively brief and break longer paragraphs into shorter ones for improved readability.

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Finally, conciseness is key in making your work easy to read; avoid excessive jargon and needless repetition. To further help readers navigate your writing, take advantage of typographical devices such as headings and lists where appropriate.

If you’re a technical writer, making your writing easy to read is important. You want your writing to be more readable:

1. Use simple language and avoid jargon. 

2. Keep sentences and paragraphs short. 

3. Use headings and lists to break up the text. 

4 . Use concrete examples and analogies. 

5 . Compare concepts to something familiar and easy to understand. 

man sleeping

Maintaining readability is especially important for technical documentation because the audience is usually made up of specialists of some sort. Like you, they want to get through the material quickly and accurately. The faster and easier you make it for them, the more likely they’ll be to read what you’ve written.

chalkboard with follow the rules

By following these guidelines,

technical writers can make their writing more understandable and accessible to readers.

To make your writing more accessible and understandable, follow these five tips:

  • Use shorter sentences, simpler language, and active voice rather than passive voice.
  • Present tense instead of past tense.
  • Direct address to the reader.

In conclusion, 

Writing is the key to creating effective and engaging writing. Remembering the five tips above, ensure your writing is as readable as possible.



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Kevin Meyer

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