Tips To Become A Better Writer In 10 Minutes

Ten minutes to become a better writer. If you’re in the process of building a blog or if you have your blog, writing is probably one of the most critical facets of your business. While many things go into creating a successful blog, one thing that often gets overlooked is the craft of writing. Communicating your … Read more

What Are Good Sentence Starters

Sentence starters are the words or phrases that introduce the rest of the sentence, typically set apart by commas. How do sentence starters describe what the story is about? Describes the subject? What is the “action” of the story? It tells the reader what the story is about. How do sentence starters describe what the … Read more

A Writer’s Creative Stage Writing Process

The creative stage writing process is where most writers enjoy being the most. Ideas are formed, and imagination causes things to come alive on the page. Our work does not always make sense at this stage, but that does not matter. It is about ideas and thoughts coming to realization. Once the creative phase is … Read more

How To Write With Personality

If you write for a website, you want your readers to feel your personality shining through with your voice, design sense, and ideas. The question, of course, is how? Writing Is A Creative Writing Process As creative people, we want to put our personality into our work. But how do you write with personality? We’ve … Read more