How To Write Articles For Your Website

If you want to create a great site that gets tons of traffic, you need to start with great content. And what is better than a good article? The answer is – nothing! But creating content is not as easy as it may seem. Many different factors go into good content, and it can take … Read more

What Are Good Sentence Starters

Sentence starters are the words or phrases that introduce the rest of the sentence, typically set apart by commas. How do sentence starters describe what the story is about? Describes the subject? What is the “action” of the story? It tells the reader what the story is about. How do sentence starters describe what the … Read more

How To Have A Superpower Called Writing

Writing isn’t just a skill. It’s a superpower. It’s a gift and a talent that can be nurtured to greater levels than you can imagine. Writing isn’t just about getting something down on paper — it’s about communicating. Writing is used to convey your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It’s your voice. It’s a skill that … Read more

Learn How To Make More Money With Cool Storytelling Ideas

We all know that storytelling is powerful. But knowing where to start when you’re stuck for inspiration can be hard. These cool writing ideas can help you build a storyline that captivates your readers and keeps them turning the page. Introduction to Storytelling Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal as … Read more

8 Awesome Descriptive Writing Styles

When your descriptive writing doesn’t feel engaging, you know something’s missing. That something is descriptive writing. In some cases, writing feels like you’re walking against gale-force winds. It’s dangerous, slick, and dark. While in a rainstorm. When the words are there, it very well may be challenging to get your thoughts onto the paper. You … Read more