How To Have Fantastic SEO And Content With Minimal Effort

Whether you’re writing your SEO blog posts or paying someone to produce content, writing is essential to SEO (search engine optimization) and content marketing. When creating content for SEO, remember to optimize the following five areas.

What is SEO and Content Marketing

For those not familiar, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is vital in digital marketing because it allows Google and other search engines to determine if your blog or any websites match their criteria for a webpage to be listed in their search results.

This ranking determines how relevant content on your website is to potential customers and, ultimately, how appropriate your website is.

Tips for Optimizing Your Blog Posts

Before I understand what other content marketers should keep in mind and when to use them, I would like to describe why I believe these various authoring methods are so important.

Quality is the most crucial factor in search engines; out of a list of search interests, most search engines will prioritize a website for a user.

unique URL in the browser

A unique URL they can click on and read. This is critical to everything you write, as it will help determine if they click on your link to go to your blog or some other site.

Your overall positioning on the Internet and the quality relevancy of your writing should factor into your link strategy. When I say link strategy, I refer to investigating and building relationships with other websites and encouraging them to link to you.

Apart from display-based relationships, you can utilize link-building techniques on your blog to gain links. The reason for building doing so is that anchor text can be powerful tactic bloggers use.

This sometimes diminishes the perceived value of the author through their linking. However, on the flip side, guest posting, guest posting outreach, inviting speaking gigs, and guest blogging can put them on the friendlier ground when seeking links.

a person reading

If a reader trusts your blog and trusts you to write quality content and is directed towards your website through one of the strategies mentioned above. The potential is there for a relationship to grow. Quality, yes, but also relevance.

These are examples of the importance of utilizing various networks such as Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. These have niche communities of people who will like, share, and link to your blog. Creating content through these communities secondhand helps you gain authority.

From what I have established here, it is written by an authority blogger. Such as myself can help you gain and hold more authority avenues of link building even when making targeted outreach on social media platforms.


Before constructing your content, determine what you want to write about and what you’re covering. Before writing your content, you may want to take a few minutes to identify basic AIO concepts.

If needed, prepare your keywords, choose relevant tags, and build a content writer platform. Once your content is locked down, it’s as simple as selecting the type of SEO content you’d like to create: Article, Blog, Video, Image.

AIO mastery is all about understanding the various components of content encompassing organization, keywords, tags, and structure. While you can write SEO content for nearly every type of content on any platform, it’s typically beneficial to write about a topic that differs from yours.

Whether this is a specific topic you’re pursuing or simply your primary interest, identify the different subjects you may want to write about. Then, write the content that will soar from there. For instance, you could mention the other 26 college sports teams as a way to present a diversified perspective.

It’s never a bad idea to reach out to others in your space or elsewhere in society to spot ways you can help others. Is an exclusive brand or product available for a minority demographic that you could help promote as a side hustle? Doing research can uncover ideas like these.

path to success

Although the path to content success differs for each person and every unique situation, it can be helpful to break down your content into digestible pieces that are focused, relevant, and direct.


Planning and Execution of SEO Content 

Below are some guidelines to help with the planning and execution of SEO content: 

As a content creator, you are responsible for providing site visitors with the information you offer. How do you define success here?

Perhaps your answer is seen when people leave your content on a specific page or through an external link. At the same time, your success may not be the visibility of your content, the reach of it.

As content contributors, our successes often depend on the traffic or page views we generate on specific pages. However, being a good content creator involves more than merely fulfilling your audience’s particular needs.

Sometimes the only feeling is to create content simply on the off-chance that someone might find it when they didn’t intend to. As is said in business, all companies start somewhere. You don’t know what you don’t know. What jumps out at you about a topic or topic area in your industry?

Create how you want to market that topic to understand where it could go.


SEO Goals: Support Your Content 

1. Is readable — Limited keywords and overly long content are both ranking factors for website pages

2. Users want to explore — Providing context and connecting your content with related content allows users to get a better understanding of the purpose of your content

3. Is search-friendly — The best way to write successfully is to use an SEO-focused approach that leads to word placement as well as flow in the web text

4. Beats Google on Page One — Being original and providing high-quality content. And referencing your successful web properties to answer a valuable web query helps your site rank highly by answering the original question 5.

Offers potential customers a reason to remember and return — Inspiring content encourages readers to keep reading, and visits keep listing after listing on search engines.

person looking through a magnifying glass

Focus on keywords: Key specific phrases within keywords, list them out, and look for them throughout your content. Use them to draw attention to your content.

Positive keywords and negative keywords are similar but do not compare exactly. Positive and negative keywords are great for keyword density but not as effective.

Keywords help optimize your content for checkout and time. Look for structuring keywords that entice search engine stalkers into your content. List your content: Maybe your web pages are too long.

Maybe you haven’t included a good variety of keyword phrases. Perhaps you’ve spent a long time trying to add too many keywords but didn’t add enough. Take a hard look at your content and figure out how to declutter it.

Look at this blog post to learn why sites prefer to leave out keywords and determine removal strategies.

Search engines value length but may not necessarily harm your pages if they don’t see too much content.

Goals: Create more readable content (keywords) by leaving duplicate, irrelevant, or low content sections.

Reduce the number of words in your content that don’t help humans understand the article’s purpose.

Decide if you are adding enough keywords to outweigh blog comments critical to your content quality. Keep it simple and readable:

person engaged reading

Readability starts with good organization, and the organization follows on from clarity. Readability doesn’t mean excessive use of keywords.

However, those are helpful to ensure your words are well organized and included in the author’s note. 

SEO Bullet Points

Create your own SEO bullet points. Or, in Google Keywords Pro column D, create ceilings for your keywords based on your target audience, comprehension levels, and search query quality.

jaaxy keyword tool

Use Jaaxy to keep it uncomplicated. Using Jaaxy to find and create keywords based on what users are looking for.

Employ Canonical URLs: Meta description, URL, and title tags are essential to determine if visitors are getting to your pages.

Grammarly Writing Support

Grammarly is a helpful tool that can identify mistakes in your writing. It uses AI to find appropriate replacements for the error it locates. Grammarly is available on every device you could use to write, including PC, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

internet and marketing


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Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. If you were to buy something after clicking on one of these links, I would get a small commission. 

Thanks for being part of the community!


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Kevin Meyer

12 thoughts on “How To Have Fantastic SEO And Content With Minimal Effort”

  1. Hello, and thanks so much for sharing. I have booked marked your page. What you have written is a good help in understanding how SEO Content Writing is all about. It takes and requires skill to engage your readers, which will help your content being indexed on the front page of Google. Thanks for showing these steps of success.

    • Hello, Norman I am happy to learn you found some value in the information. You are welcome to return any time for any questions or feedback you might have after using the techniques. 



  2. Great advice, and simple (though not always easy) to implement. I’m kinda curious though. I’m not always sure how many times the right keywords is supposed to appear on the content I write. I’ve heard that Google could sometimes kill your rankings if the keywords are overdone to the point that their algorithms recognize that this is more of a marketing post.

  3. I’m glad I came across this post as I was starting to wonder why I’m earth my posts aren’t ranking high at all. Really bizzare so after reading this I’m definitely going to try and implement these points and hopefully it will be a success!

    Thanks for this information! Quite useful!

  4. Thank you for this additional, practical site in addition to “Wealthy Affiliate” (where I am also a member).

    I personally find the explanation about “8 Awesome Descriptive Writing Styles” interesting! I am not a great writer myself and all useful tips are welcome!

    As for the other points: it is a good “refreshment” for the memory, but as a member of WA I have followed practically all the lessons and have already learned a lot from them. Thank you very much for the summary!

    I myself work with AISEO and also GRAMMARLY… Both are very interesting!

    In short: your site is a breath of fresh air for newcomers to the industry as well as more advanced marketers…

    Well done!

  5. Hi Kevin, thank you very much for sharing this rich content, the information in this content about the SEO is very helpful. You know, I like number four (4) “Beats google on page one” everyone is targeting “google page one” and is not an easy task. More specially, if you’re not familiar with the SEO. So, keep on writing contents like this to help more people in need out there. Thanks again!

    Yours truly 


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