A Power Writing Strategy To Achieve Your Goals

The first step to creating a power writing strategy is figuring out your business goals. What is your business trying to achieve? You should be able, to sum up your business goals in a sentence or two.

A Power Writing Strategy To Achieve Your Goals

A writing strategy is a plan you follow to finish your writing. It can be as simple as “write 1000 words a day” or as complicated as a detailed outline that you follow. Whatever the case, it’s crucial to have a writing strategy before starting or beginning anything you know will involve writing.

Success often comes down to necessity – the solution to your problem usually falls in the lap of inspiration (or so it feels). Begin Right – right from the start. So, how do you begin?


First, write a document that states clearly what your goals are – this is not only important to have the plans written down so that you don’t work backward, but this will also help you remember what needs to happen daily.


Next, you must decide which areas of your business need some “help” to reach a final definite state. Sometimes these are obvious, like project management, such as taking project documentation directly to your client (if you are house-based).


Other areas may need some digging, such as your sales force, customer support team, or anything else within the sales process. Decide what you need, and then outline how you will hit your goals.

people brainstorming

Once you have outlined the areas where you need help, you must determine how to get it to them. Below are some of our best and most actionable tips on how to craft a killer power writing strategy: Improve your writing skills – Did you know that if you spent five minutes on any subject and writing an essay on it, you could learn a lot about it?


chalkboard with follow the rules

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to writing or experienced – take five minutes to learn the basics. It will include writing effective headers, using punctuation and grammar rules, making good use of sentences and paragraphs, and removing unnecessary words.


These five fundamental skills can allow you to achieve anything you set out to do: Set yourself up for success – Are you following a written strategy rooted in complex, tangible facts?

If so, you can feel good about your plan rather than taking it at face value. You won’t need to guess at success nor wonder if you’re on the right track. Start by fact-checking your plan using the document outline method, and train yourself always to apply “if-then” statements.

It tells you what you need to do ahead of time and to what extent. Writing a few papers is a great way to get started. When you’re in a good planning routine and checking off your actions, you’re much more likely to stick with it.

team member

In particular, getting other team members involved is harder when helping clients or bosses with their writing strategy (using the Strategy document as an example). They can work on other tasks, feel part of the output and learn from what you’re doing.

The #1 Writing Tool

A good example would be, “We want to increase sales by 20% through blog posts.” Then, once your goals are determined, you will need to create a framework of how you will achieve them.

Related: Tips When Writing for Your Entire Website 

Related: Tools to Help with Your Writing Strategy

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Excellent writing can help you attract customers who wouldn’t touch your business without looking. But what do you say when someone sends you a prospective customer’s email to ensure you address a relevant email?

In this case, most people will NEVER read your entire CRM, so there’s no real reason to waste your time writing great content on it. If you write content on your website, you must develop a concise and well-defined paragraph, using bullet points to organize your content and keep things short.



Finally, keep in mind the critical question in this situation: Do they grasp the content you are trying to speak to them in this email or not? Great content is most effective when packaged within a good email writing style.

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A strategy is your guide to achieving your goals and discovering the best ways to get there. While your approach must be inspiring and motivating, it’s also crucial that it’s realistic and achievable. If you set your goals too low, you may not get your desired results.

If you set goals too high, you’ll spend a lot of time wishing you had achieved them rather than putting in the time required to reach your goals.

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Tip #1 – Be Consistent – Write at least 500 words for your first draft. A key is consistency.

Tip #2: When writing, use keywords.

Tip #3: Listen to your audience, good, bad, or neutral.


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You must write compelling copy that engages your readers if you want more visitors. This article will help you do just that.

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Kevin Meyer

6 thoughts on “A Power Writing Strategy To Achieve Your Goals”

  1. I try to publish an article every day, and if I miss a day, I try to post two pieces the next day. I realized that consistency is vital, and without consistency, you will not see any results. It is the strategy I use, and it has been working for me for the longest time. 

    • Good For you, writing two articles a day. I totally would, however it takes me 3-6 hours just to write one. I also have other things I have to do. You are right about being consistent. If one isn’t consistent, then nothing is going to happen.

      • Hello, Kiersti; thanks for reaching out. I want you to know I had the same problem with consistency until I found the two tools mentioned in my articles. GRAMMARLY and Copy Smith have helped me immensely, and they can help you a lot of time with your writing.


  2. I never really had an act for it when it comes to writing. Not until I joined the Wealthy Affiliate. When It comes to writing, I try to write an article a day. It’s genuinely about being consistent that does help. Thanks for sharing its very helpful to me in my writing journey. 

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